Monday, January 14, 2008

Illegal FBI Wiretapping Takes a Blow / First Post

I could be hokey and post an entry explaining who I am and what I'm going to post in this blog but I think I'm going to skip that and jump right into the bloggin'.

No Kidding. Many of the wiretaps that the FBI has been maintaining to monitor US Citizens have been cut off not because of a much needed injunction by the Supreme Court and most certainly not because of any fear of public outrage but instead because the FBI forgot to pay their phone bill.

Of course, they're blaming a rogue agent who pocketed $25k from the budget, but I reckon the US Government has at least enough free cash laying around to cover the equivalent of one teachers salary, or 1/22 the cost of a cruise missile (source).

Of course, this was not widely reported in the US, we have to look to the Brits to tell us about this sort of thing: Read the story here.

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