That's right bub, it's on.
First, let me say that the TSA is, if anything, a cruel practical joke played by the US Government on the American people that was never really very funny. By this, I mean to say that card-holding, tax-paying, law-abiding American Citizen that wants to go somewhere must do all of the following:
- Take off your shoes. Seriously. Barefeet, foot fungus and ugly-ass toes for the world to see.
- Take off your belt. "It gots metal" so take it off.
- Empty all of your pockets into a plastic tray
- Throw away your lethal 99¢ soda (there are safe ones on the other side of the security barrier for $3.50, you understand).
- Display all of your personal fluids in cute little containers in a clear plastic baggy.
So what is the point, really? It's to keep us in line. Just like any abusive parent or lover, the US Gummit periodically delivers an arbitrary command and a bitch-slap to remind us who's in charge. Frankly, I think that's just rude of the TSA. We're already sore from having to pay $400 to sit in a 2-feet-wide seat next to a sweaty guy with a 4-feet-backside.
Who's to blame for all of this? Well, in a government that is "of the people, by the people and for the people" I can fairly well assume that the "people" are the problem. We let it happen. We've handed over many of our civil rights on a silver platter in the hopes that we can be protected from the bad guys and from each other.
It wouldn't be fair to throw around so much blame without offering some sort of solution. To that end, I suggest we vote in the most effective way we know how: by buying things! Well, specifically not buying airline tickets. Drive if you gotta', get a free Skype account if you wanna see Aunt Millie in Vermont, walk to work and don't sacrifice your dignity or your rights for convenience or false security - show some respect for yourself and vote with your dollars.
I have my days too when I'm cranky, but seriously? Okay, I'll agree with one thing before I get started. Many things that make it through TSA's system shouldn't. Knives, guns, etc. should never make it through. That shows that many TSA employees aren't doing their job. Like many other government workers, laziness rules and customer satisfaction is a myth. Now for what I don't quite understand.
Telling us to remove our belt is a government "bitch-slap"? As a former Police Officer, the one thing I thought was ridiculous was how many people hated cops, unless they needed us. One day I confiscated a kid’s pit bull for attacking another dog in their neighborhood, and that kid’s parents wanted to press charges. However, a month late they were quick to call us when their neighbors were playing loud music. They didn’t want the rules to apply to them. Everyone hates rules. Oh, rules are evil. I'm sure many people aren't aware of some of the things that are caught through TSA's system. Small one-shot pistols can be disguised into the front of belt buckles. Depending on what kind of shoes someone’s wearing a non-metal knife could be hidden in the sole. If the shoes are removed and x-rayed then that cuts down on how many try it. Sure someone could still hide that non-metal knife on their person, but you are also subject to random pat downs at any time. There are people who want to scare us, but there are people out there who also want to hurt us. Now it would be great if these people wore t-shirts saying, “I’m an evil man who’s hiding a weapon so I can hi-jack a plane”. But since we’re not afforded that benefit, we kinda have to check every person just make sure we don’t miss. Yes it sucks to throw away two Red Bulls I just bought before heading to the airport. Rules suck, but rules save lives. By the way, I think those T-shirts are available at Spencer’s.
I am criticizing the post by Jason K.B. regarding the TSA. The TSA was established to make air travel more safe, even if it's not convenient. Of course, they will miss some things, but I think that should be understandable considering the massive amounts of people they screen a day. If they screened every person perfectly, then you would be complaining about the time it took. The TSA is not out to get you, as you feel, it is there to protect you. My aunt is a stewardess and I would like to know that her and her coworkers, that travel through the airport daily, are being protected from potential attackers. If security was more strict before 9/11 the hijackings may have been prevented. The TSA has already prevented attacks on our country since, because of the strict security.
Also, if the TSA ceased to exist, thousands of airport security guards would be laid off. If this happened the overall economy would be affected in a negative way.
I have traveled through many airports and have also felt annoyed at security. I too have had to take off my shoes, discard any metal objects, and make sure all liquids are bagged. After all of this, I still feel that security is important and necessary for air travel. I also commend the TSA for doing what they have done and for working to protect the citizens of this nation.
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